Sunday, April 10, 2011


Freshman Religion
Vocabulary: Chapter Five

1. AARON-brother of and spokesman for Moses.
2. ABEL—Adam and Eve’s second son; murdered by brother Cain
3. ARK OF THE COVENANT—An ornate box that held the tablets of the law, the Rod of Aaron, and some manna; represented God’s throne on earth
4. ASSYRIA—an ancient empire that terrorized the whole Middle East and constantly threatened Israel and Judah during the monarchial period. Eventually the Assyrians destroyed Israel and scatted its people
5. CANAAN—the land God promised to Abraham’s descendents; covers about same territory as modern-day Israel.
6. DEUTERONOMY—Greek for “second law”; name of one of the books of the Bible that is the second promulgation of the law; restates Exodus laws
7. EXODUS—Greek for “going out”; Liberation of the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt into promised land by saving act of God
8. JUDAH—one of the tribes of Israel; the southern kingdom when Israel was divided after Solomon; Judah kept Jerusalem as its capital and remained loyal to David’s line
9. SAUL—the first king of Israel, anointed by Samuel
10. ZION—the hill on which the oldest part of Jerusalem was built; a poetic name for the city of Jerusalem