Sunday, January 24, 2010

Writing Assignment on the Eucharist

Freshman Religion
Writing Assignment on the Eucharist

Objective: By finishing this assignment, I would like you to come to a more profound understanding of the mystery of the Holy Eucharist. On the blog, I have posted several articles that explore central aspects of this mystery as understood by the Church over the centuries. We need to think carefully and to pray sincerely and persistently in order to embrace the reality of this most precious gift of God to his Church and therefore to each one of us.

Paper: We will go over in some detail each of the articles on the Eucharist that is posted on the blog. These, with the Gospels, are to be the source material for the paper. This paper should:

*be between three and five typed pages long (double-spaced)
*have a clear title explaining its topic
*have a clear introductory paragraph with a thesis
*quote at least three times from one of the Gospels
*argue its main thesis with compelling logic and evidence
*have a clear conclusion that summarizes the thesis and its support

Possible Topics:

1. How is the Catholic Mass a Sacrifice?

2. How is Jesus Christ present in the Eucharist?

3. How does the Eucharist relate to Christian Marriage?

4. What is the Meaning of Priesthood in the Catholic Church?

5. How does a Christian Live the Mass?

6. Transubstantiation: History and Reality

7. Adoration Before the Holy Eucharist