Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Contemplating God's Mystery

A few things to keep in mind as we go forward this year thinking about the God and the World:

1. Mystery means a depth of being--reality--beyond what the human mind can grasp.

2. Reason, with the light of Faith, can not completely prove all the articles of Faith, but this light does remove many difficulties. The Faith goes BEYOND what reason can understand, but it doesn't contradict reason, it's not irrationable.

3. Given that the infinite God reveals these Truths to us, we must accept them with an inner attitude of reverence and awe.

4. The God that gives you Faith also gave you an intellect--he expects you to use it.

5. Prayer--talking with God--is a KEY element in understanding and living the Faith, since the supernatural is just that, beyond our natural ability. Our Creator comes to us in Word and Sacrament as he knows we are body and spirit, and need material things to lead us to the invisible God.