Tuesday, August 25, 2009

NYTimes.com: What is Faith? Fasten your seat belts for a lot of foolishness!

Here it is: a sampling of reader's opinions re the question: What is Faith?

The suspension of reason and rationality for a dream.

— Darren Tidwell

2. June 26, 2009
11:42 am

Faith is knowing something should be true, being certain it is, and having no insight into one’s collisions with reality.

Reality is wrong. Other people are wrong. Why can’t they
see what I see? It’s all about failures to re-interpret one’s
original misinterpretation of experience. Faith is blind,
and that’s a problem.

Faith is not calm, it is heated, sure of itself, and prone to be unrealistic.

— Mike Mooney

3. June 26, 2009
11:44 am

There’s never been a better analysis of Faith than the following: http://thisibelieve.org/essay/21932/

Dude is a Franciscan who acknowledged that faith is not knowing what you can’t know… and being okay with it. Perhaps the opposite of so many that we consider to be Faithful today.

Seriously, please give it a listen.

— Juan

4. June 26, 2009
12:16 pm

Faith: Security in numbers.

— Joshua Hecker

5. June 26, 2009
12:28 pm

Faith is the remaining recourse when a person reaches the end of their knowledge before the end of their journey.

— alanyst

6. June 26, 2009
12:45 pm

Faith is what other people have. I have doubt.


— Unbeliever

7. June 26, 2009
12:46 pm

Faith is the tenacity with which a belief or myth is adhered to, regardless of any proof for its veracity

— Abe Eckstein

8. June 26, 2009
12:52 pm

Faith is a socially acceptable insanity in the same way that alcohol is a socially acceptable drug.

— Pete

9. June 26, 2009
1:03 pm

[Religious and other] FAITH: Strong, at times, unquestioning and complete beleif(s) without strong empirical and tested evidence and proof lacking a viable hypothesis which has been tested and which is recognized by by dispassionate persons who are experts in the area who are independent.

— David Chowes, New York City

10. June 26, 2009
1:03 pm

Faith is the word many use when they mean “hope”.

Faith is trust, both of which are broken so often.

Faith is belief that has no proof, otherwise it would not be needed.

Faith is what sustains the vast majority, the masses, who believe there is something better than their leaders provide.

Faith becomes the substitute for truth about the unknown.

Faith drives some, carries some, pulls some, fools many.

— tom brasher

11. June 26, 2009
1:03 pm

Faith is the absence of fear.

— Cindy Wheatley

12. June 26, 2009
1:04 pm

Faith is believing/hoping that what you wish is true is really true.

— Mary from CT

13. June 26, 2009
1:07 pm

Unfounded belief.

— Nathalie Guyol

14. June 26, 2009
1:16 pm

To Unbeliever - I think doubt is a part of faith. If there is no doubt why do you need faith?

— Stan

15. June 26, 2009
1:18 pm

I think this is a quote of Clarence Jordan:
“Faith is the turning of dreams into deeds.”

— John Donaghy

16. June 26, 2009
1:30 pm

Faith is taking action based on our trust in things that we expect to be true but have not independently verified.

As such, it is employed by every intelligent person, every day of their lives.

— alanyst

17. June 26, 2009
1:45 pm

Faith is the ultimate act of creation.

— Franklin

18. June 26, 2009
1:53 pm

As the schoolboy said when Father Feeney asked him to define faith: “Faith is when you know somethin’ ain’t true, but you believe it anyway.”

— James Dunn

19. June 26, 2009
1:55 pm

All is well and will be well.

— dr james

20. June 26, 2009
1:55 pm

As Mark Twain said,”Faith is believing what you know ain’t so.”

— Harvey Sande

21. June 26, 2009
2:08 pm

Faith is a gift from the Triune God.

— helen

22. June 26, 2009
2:10 pm

Faith is an antiquated insistence on belief in something that cannot be falsified.

Faith asks you to stop searching for truth.

Faith lays the groundwork for disappointment.

Faith is the opposite of critical thinking.

— Marnie

23. June 26, 2009
2:17 pm

Faith: That on which much of the US’s charitable activities is based, freeing the government from many of its obligations.

— DigitalDan

24. June 26, 2009
2:25 pm

A feeling that you, and by extension the world, is just awesome.

A sense of wholeness, of justice and purpose, underlying every event in one’s life.

Faith is trusting ones eyes and ones heart.

Faith is knowing, beyond hope and fear, that everything is beautiful.

Faith is saying yes to every moment.

— dr james

25. June 26, 2009
2:43 pm

Faith is chosing to believe that which is (for now) unproven.

— Mark H